Usage: fastify start [opts] [--] [] OPTS -p, --port [env: FASTIFY_PORT or PORT] Port to listen on (default to 3000) -a, --address [env: FASTIFY_ADDRESS] Address to listen on -s, --socket [env: FASTIFY_SOCKET] Socket to listen on -l, --log-level [env: FASTIFY_LOG_LEVEL] Log level (default to fatal) -r, --require [env: FASTIFY_REQUIRE] Module to preload -L, --logging-module [env: FASTIFY_LOGGING_MODULE] Path to logging configuration module to use -P, --pretty-logs [env: FASTIFY_PRETTY_LOGS] Prints pretty logs -o, --options [env: FASTIFY_OPTIONS] Use custom options -w, --watch [env: FASTIFY_WATCH] Watch process.cwd() directory for changes, recursively; when that happens, the process will auto reload. -x, --prefix [env: FASTIFY_PREFIX] Set the prefix --body-limit [env: FASTIFY_BODY_LIMIT] Defines the maximum payload, in bytes, the server is allowed to accept -T, --plugin-timeout The maximum amount of time that a plugin can take to load (default to 10 seconds). -h, --help Show this help message Examples: start plugin.js on port 8080 fastify start -p 8080 plugin.js start plugin.js passing custom options to it fastify start plugin.js -- --custom-plugin-option-1 --custom-plugin-option-2